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Episode #6 – In this episode, we look at the 2023 New Year and make some resolutions about our writing. Basically, we are going to try to finish these novels! We also discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of what we read last year, and some options for reading this coming year. Episode #5 – In this episode, we talk about world-building. Writing fiction involves placing characters into a world. What does that world look like? Is it modern-day Earth? Is it Medieval Europe? Is it some alien planet that looks nothing like Earth? How do people dress? What religions are involved? These are some of the writing topics we dig into. Episode #4 – In this episode, we discuss the intricacies of writing dialog, including some of the difficulties we have encountered in our own writing. Episode #3 – In this episode, we discuss how authors plan and write books. Specifically, we talk about the difference between plotters and pantsers. Plotters are authors who plan out their novels and outline the details of the book to varying degrees of specificity. Pantsers just write. Sit down and write! Episode #2 – In this episode, we discuss writing accountability. One of the most difficult aspects of writing a book is the simple task of getting words on the page. Just write! In order to set ourselves up for success, we have attempted to put into place some accountability measures to make sure we accomplish our goal. Episode #1 – In this inaugural episode, we discuss why we are attempting to write a novel. What motivates us?2023 New Year’s Writing Resolutions
Writing Dialog and Why It’s the Worst
Plotters vs Pantsers
Writing Accountability
Why Write a Novel?