Podcast Episode

Building a Daily Writing Habit: Setting Achievable Goals

Mini-episode #2 – Embark on a writer’s voyage with the latest mini-episode of Writing On Caffeine, where Jonathan Franzone guides you through crafting S.M.A.R.T goals to turn the dream of your novel into reality. Discover how to set milestones that are just as invigorating as your morning espresso, and learn to celebrate the small victories on your journey to becoming an author. Tune in, set your sights on success, and join us in laying down the words, one page at a time, towards the peak of your writing aspirations.

Building a Daily Writing Habit: The Power of Routine

Mini-Episode #01 – Dive into the heart of a writer’s journey with Jonathan Franzone in our first mini-episode of Writing On Caffeine, where we tackle the daunting quest of “Building a Daily Writing Habit.” Uncover the transformative power of routine and learn how to turn the blank page into a canvas of endless possibilities, one day and one word at a time. Tune in as we brew up some inspiration, share practical tips to conquer the inertia of creativity, and take the first steps toward making writing a natural part of your daily life.

Writing and the Role of Setting

Episode #21 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan talk about the role of the setting in fiction writing. What makes a good setting? What is the difference between a setting and a scene or world-building?

2024 New Year’s Dumbledore Debate

Episode #20 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan talking about the previous year of writing (2023) and how they did at finishing (or not finishing) their rough drafts (and the penalties involved with non-completion). They discuss metrics from Spotify Podcasting and then have a debate as to whether or not Dumbledore is a good guy. AND they discuss a giveaway to promote this podcast in the New Year!

What Makes a Good Love Interest?

Episode #19 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan talking about the great universal language of love. Ah, l’amour. Specifically, we are continuing our study of fiction characters and diving into what makes a good love interest.

What Makes a Good Side Character?

Episode #18 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan discuss what makes up a good side character. They also dive into some of their favorite (and least favorite) side characters and why they love or hate them. Spoiler Alert: Samwise Gamgee is the true hero!

What Makes a Good Protagonist?

Episode #17 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan discuss what makes up a good protagonist (THE HERO!). They also dive into some of their favorite (and least favorite) protagonists and why they love or hate them.

What Makes a Good Antagonist?

Episode #16 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan discuss what makes up a good antagonist. They also dive into some of their favorite (and least favorite) antagonists and why they love or hate them.

Merpeople Gene-splicing – A Live Plotting Episode

Episode #15 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan (and Avery) attempt to plot a new novel live. We dive into world-building, character-building, motivations, magic-systems, and merpeople genocide. We thought it would be a fun exercise so that our listeners could experience the goofy things we talk about and also see what it’s like to develop ideas for your stories.

A violin on a book

Music and Writing

Episode #14 – In this episode, Jonathan and Ragan discuss music and writing. First, we have to clear up exactly what that means, and then we embark on all the aspects: listening to music while writing or reading and writing music into your novel.